Whatever source of energy you prefer for the future, it has consequences for climate, health, economy, nature and environment. This energy calculator allows you to create your own energy mix and visualize the possibilities and challenges. It aims at providing a better understanding of what is required to become carbon neutral.
You can play around with the energy sliders on the left and immediately see the impact your choice has. You can also see what the median values in the 1.5-degree report from the Climate Panel suggests. And you can select different ways to visualize the data.
We created this energy calculator to make it easier to visualize and understand the impact energy production has on the earth and humanity. The production of energy will always come at a cost of some kind and you will see that there are no easy solutions to create the energy we need. There will always be trade-offs.
The target group for the tool includes everyone that is interested in climate change whether you are young or old, student, teacher, expert or politician. And we sure hope that this calculator will be used for educational purposes.
Since data on energy production can be hard to compare because of different types of measurement, we have converted all the data into impact per TWh and we also show the impact in relatable units.
We have tried to use the most robust data sources available (see below). However, the data are not perfect and use global averages, thus ignoring many local factors. Also, experts may not necessarily agree on the numbers we have chosen. We have therefore added the possibility for the user to edit the input numbers.
Some aspects are extremely hard to measure and are not included here. One such aspect is stability which is critical for stable power deliveries over time. For instance, if you choose only solar and wind, you will need battery backup and supergrids to ensure stable deliveries all year. This will cause the cost to increase far beyond what this tool shows - and you may end up finding that it is not practically or economically possible.
Other non-quantifiable parameters include fear (e.g. of nuclear disasters and dangerous waste), visual pollution (e.g. from wind turbines and solar parks), value of untouched nature and loss of plant and animal species.
Despite these shortcomings we hope this can be a useful tool to understand how energy production is related to demand and impact, and that the calculator can contribute to a sensible discussion about the future energy mix.
Finally, we don’t want you to make conclusions based on this tool alone, but we hope it will help increase your knowledge about our energy sources.
These are the numbers we have used to calculate the footprint of the energy sources. In some cases, the sources provide ranges. We have then used median- or average values provided by the sources.
UPDATE 10.1.21: Costs for renewables have been updated with 2020 figures from the IEA (for renewables, IEA uses numbers collected by IRENA, but may differ due to different calculations). Note that these figures assume a carbon tax of 30 USD / tonne CO2. Instead of using "Low stability", we have decided to use the term "Not operating" to better reflect that the percentage time that the power plants are not operating due to aspects such as absence of wind or sun, as well as other reasons.
This is simply 100% minus the capacity factor.
The capacity factor has been updated with actual 2019 numbers from Statista, with the exception of fossil fuels and biomass where we have used the IEA's 2020 assumptions of 85% capacity factor.
IEA has chosen to do so because the fuel is always available, allowing the power plants to theoretically operate as needed. Costs for solar and wind power do not reflect system-lcoe (need for backup), which will lead to significantly increased costs with a high share (> 10-20%) in the energy mix. Long-term operation of nuclear power (LTO) has not been taken into account, which will significantly reduce costs. With a 20-year extension of existing nuclear power plants, this type of energy will be the cheapest according to the IEA.
Data for this project have been gathered by Jonny Hesthammer and Wouter Bell Gravendeel.
Area calculation
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