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Global Energy Footprint

The green shift is about sustainable change in a more climate and environmentally friendly direction, and within nature's tolerance limits. The UN believes that loss of nature is as much a threat to humanity as climate change, and the UN's Sustainability Goal # 7 states that everyone shall have access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy at an affordable price. This poses significant challenges when electrifying the world's energy consumption.

A discussion about the energy mix of the future requires an understanding of the total impact each energy source has on health, natural environment, climate and economy. We will all have different views of which aspects that matter the most (e.g. greenhouse gas emissions) and we have therefore created this page so that you can weight the different parameters yourself and see what the outcome will be.

Eight different parameters are included in the analysis. These are mortality, emissions, land use, material use, use of critical metals, costs, stability and waste. The basis for these can be found by clicking on the “Learn more about…”-links. Not all will agree with the choices we have made, but we have tried to be as objective as possible and find the most robust sources. If needed, this can be changed in the future. We hope that this can contribute positively to the debate about the energy mix of the future.

How important is it for you?

Here you can chose how important each parameter is for you (as a starting point, the parameters are equally weighted), and see which energy type has the lowest footprint in the graph below. Each parameter sums to 100% and the totality is shown in the y-axis.

Select the importance and see the changes in the graph above.
0% is not important, and 100% is very important.
("Not operating" reflects stability)


These are the numbers we have used to calculate the footprint of the energy sources. In some cases, the sources provide ranges. We have then used median- or average values provided by the sources.

UPDATE 10.1.21: Costs for renewables have been updated with 2020 figures from the IEA (for renewables, IEA uses numbers collected by IRENA, but may differ due to different calculations). Note that these figures assume a carbon tax of 30 USD / tonne CO2. Instead of using "Low stability", we have decided to use the term "Not operating" to better reflect that the percentage time that the power plants are not operating due to aspects such as absence of wind or sun, as well as other reasons.

This is simply 100% minus the capacity factor.
The capacity factor has been updated with actual 2019 numbers from Statista, with the exception of fossil fuels and biomass where we have used the IEA's 2020 assumptions of 85% capacity factor.

IEA has chosen to do so because the fuel is always available, allowing the power plants to theoretically operate as needed. Costs for solar and wind power do not reflect system-lcoe (need for backup), which will lead to significantly increased costs with a high share (> 10-20%) in the energy mix. Long-term operation of nuclear power (LTO) has not been taken into account, which will significantly reduce costs. With a 20-year extension of existing nuclear power plants, this type of energy will be the cheapest according to the IEA.

Water Wind Solar Biomass Nuclear Coal Oil Gas
Mortality/TWh 1,4 0,15 0,44 4,6 0,07 28,7 18,4 2,8
Emissions tonn CO2eq/TWh 97000 4000 6000 98000 4000 820000 715000 490000
Land use in m2/kW 7142,9 543,5 150,8 12500,0 4,2 7,4 5,1 2,1
Materials use i tonnes/TWh 14068 10260 16457 235410 930 124019 87168 77877
Critical metals in kilos/TWh 6,40 529,88 81,82 8,92 19,89 8,92 8,92 8,92
Costs in $/MWh 72 50 56 118 69 88 88 71
Not operating (100% - capacity factor) 61 % 65 % 76 % 15 % 6,5 % 15 % 15 % 15 %
Solid waste in tonnes/TWh excl. CO2eq 14068 10260 16457 21080 932,5 81725 1184 581
Share of total energy consumption in % 2,7 % 0,8 % 0,4 % 7,1 % 1,7 % 27,9 % 34,5 % 24,5 %


Data for this project have been gathered by Jonny Hesthammer and Wouter Bell Gravendeel.

Area calculation

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Material use

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Critical metals

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